Tennis Cheat Sheets
From who makes what call to what qualifies for a hindrance, we’ve broken it all down for you. Here, we’ve compiled all of our downloadable cheat sheets.
Tennis Coin Toss & Time Rules: Starting a Game and Sticking to a Schedule
Serving first can be a huge advantage in tennis, but how do you decide who gets the privilege? Waiting on an opponent to show up to a match can be frustrating, but did you know there are rules about how late a player can be before she has to forfeit the match? Whether you’re new to tennis or just need some clarity about the less-often used time restrictions, we’re here to make sure that your match begins and proceeds by the book.
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Tennis Tie-breaks Made Easy
Whether you’re new to the game of tennis or a seasoned veteran, if you haven’t played a tiebreak recently, chances are that you need a refresher on scoring and procedures. If you’ve only played the regular 7-point set tiebreak, we’ll also introduce you to the 10-point match tiebreak and the Coman Tiebreak Procedure. While we will explain the ins and outs of tiebreaks, the real gem is our handy cheat sheet, which is available for download at the end of this blog post.
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Tennis Scoring 101
Tennis has one of the strangest scoring systems of any sport, so we’re here to help you understand the basics of tennis scoring, as well as give you a bit of a history lesson about how the scoring system came about.
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Hindrances: Everything You Need to Know
Can we all agree that hindrances are a bother? But what exactly is a hindrance in tennis? According to the USTA, “A hindrance refers to a situation in which a player is hindered from making a shot by anything that is not within the player’s control other than a permanent fixture or a spectator’s outcry.” This definition is a bit vague, so we’re going to break down what qualifies as a hindrance and what you should do if a hindrance occurs during play.
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Who Makes the Call?
When it comes to making calls in recreational or unofficiated competitive tennis, sometimes it can be confusing as to who has the right to make the call. Tennis is a game of millimeters, and it’s also a game of good sportsmanship, so when a disagreement happens due to a call, which is bound to happen, it can leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. We’ve boiled down the rules about who makes what calls because no one wants to be known as “the lady who makes bad calls.”
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