Your Local Club Gets Doubletake, You Get Free Bags

 Do you love Doubletake bags and think your local club should sell them? We want to reward you for spreading the word.


1. Buy your bag and fill out the form below

This way when your club makes an order we'll know it was you that referred them. It doesn't commit you to anything.

2. Show off your bag

Next time you're at your club or specialty retailer, just show them all the amazing features of your bag and let them know what you think. 

3. Your club applies

Ask your club to apply at at and mention your name on their application. We can give one free bag per new club, so make sure they mention you, and only you :)

4. Your club makes an order

Once the club is approved (quick and easy) they receive free shipping (or a free bag - their choice) and we receive your name.

5. You get $$

After the club pays for their order, we refund your original purchase and also (!) send you a $150 coupon for an additional bag.